Small photo gear like camera batteries and memory cards are always laying around everywhere and just when you need these crucial items, these are nowhere to be found. And when you finally found it, there's a big chance that your batteries are empty because you forgot to charge them after your last photo session. We've all been there many times and we feel you.
That is why the popular YouTuber and photographer Peter Lindgren decided to get in touch with Jupio to bundle their energy and knowledge to help you out. We spent more than 1 year together to translate our ideas into a tangible end product. After many long meetings and changing the concept several times, we are very proud to present you the final product; The Jupio Pr1me Gear Tri-Charge for LP-E6!
1.Storage With the use of premium materials we managed to make a product that houses and protects your LP-E6* camera batteries, SDHC memory cards, micro SDHC cards and CFexpress Type-B cards. All in one sturdy housing.
2.Charger But not only is the Tri-Charge a convenient storage for your LP-E6* batteries, it is way smarter than that because it is a fast charger as well. Just plug in the included USB-C cable and it will charge all 3 LP-E6* batteries simultaneously. When using a USB-C to USB-C cable in combination with a PD (Power Delivery) USB-adapter, then each of the 3 batteries is charged simultaneously with a charging current of 700mA. Each battery bay is equipped with 4 orange LED-lights, which indicates the charging status of each battery.
3.Powerbank But the fun does not stop here, because the Jupio Pr1me Gear Tri-Charge has a third personality and that is being a powerbank. When the LP-E6* camera batteries are full of energy, you can use this to power all your other USB-devices like your smartphone, tablet or you name it. Connect it with the included USB-C cable and with a charging speed of 2.0A your smartphone or tablet will be recharged. *These LP-E6 batteries for Canon are not included! ** This charger works with ALL LP-E6 models, like LP-E6N and LP-E6NH !