Note: Please note that this link contains 1 piece and 5 pieces of iron piece. Please check it after purchase to avoid disputes in the later period.
Примечание: обратите внимание, что эта ссылка содержит 1 кусок и 5 кусков железа. Пожалуйста, проверьте его после покупки, чтобы избежать споров в более поздний период.
5pcs/1pc/lot Metal Plate Disk For Magnet Car Phone Holder iron Sheet Sticker For Magnetic Mobile Phone Holder Car Stand Mount Accessories
In response to the call of the Aliexpress platform, products below 2 US dollars, we will transport products through Cainiao Super Economy. We are sorry for the inconvenience, if you come to our store next time, we are willing to give you a discount. We will mark this, thank you for your feedback.
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